For entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, freelancers, working professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs who want to achieve their professional and financial goals with love, joy and ease

money breakthrough in 40 days

a proven system to achieve your professional and money goals with love, joy and ease

have you ever wondered why people struggle financially or what stops you from achieving your professional and money goals?

Hi, my name is Vigneswari Abraham.  From my experience having worked with hundreds of ambitious entrepreneurs and freelancers, I have found that it is not lack of knowledge, skills, experience or attitude that stops a person from achieving their professional and money goals but rather it is their own mind blocks (negative thoughts and limiting beliefs), emotional blocks (worry, fear and anxiety) and karmic blocks (from this lifetime and previous lifetimes).

How can I be so sure?

Please find below some examples of people who have been able to achieve their professional and money goals by releasing their mind, emotional and karmic blocks.

how can one release their mind, emotional and karmic blocks to achieve their goals with love, joy and ease?

In Money Breakthrough In 40 Days program, I teach the 4-step Abundance Frequency Method which will help you release your mind, emotional and karmic blocks so that you can achieve your professional and money goals with love, joy and ease.  

step #1

The Permanent "Karmic" Solution

Have you ever wondered what actions (or inaction) led to your financial struggles and challenges?  Every action has a consequence, either from this lifetime or previous lifetimes (in simple words - karma).  This step, The Permanent Karmic Solution, will help you heal your relationship with yourself, money and people and increase your cash flows, income and savings.


step #2

The "Oscar-Winning" Lifescript

Beliefs run our life.  Transactional analysis says that most of our limiting beliefs about yourself, money, people and the world are formed even before 7 years of age.  This step, The Oscar-Winning Lifescript, will help you reprogram your limiting beliefs and re-wire your belief system for financial abundance, success and happiness.

step #3

The "Ultimate" Fear Buster

Crops cannot grow easily when surrounded by huge thorns.  Your negative thoughts (doubts and fears) are thorns which are stopping you from achieving your goals.  This step, The Ultimate Fear Buster, will help you release the negative thoughts and the deep-rooted doubts and fears controlling your life so that you can start taking bigger and bolder actions to achieve your goals.

step #4

The Exceptional "Laser" Focuser

Studies and research show that we have more than 20,000 thoughts a day and most of these thoughts are repetitive and focused on what you do not want (struggles and challenges).  This step, The Exceptional Laser Focuser, will help you develop laser-like focus and take inspired actions to achieve your goals.

what people experience

how is this program unique and different

-You'll learn life-transforming techniques which will help you create success and breakthroughs in all aspects of your life
- The 5 weekly sessions will give you enough time to implement and get results as you learn
- The 3 monthly follow-up sessions will help create accountability to continue to implement the techniques
- Unlike prerecorded programs, the LIVE sessions will help you complete the program
- Download the recording of all sessions so that you can revisit the learning anytime you want
- These life-transforming techniques can be used over and over again to achieve various goals

Is this program only about money?

Though the program's main objective is to help you achieve your professional and money goals, as you work on the root cause of your struggles and challenges (mind, emotional and karmic blocks), it will have a direct positive impact on your health and relationships. The concepts and techniques that you learn in the program can be used to achieve your health, wealth, relationship, professional, lifestyle and spiritual goals.

Why is the name of the program Money Breakthrough In 40 Days?

When you set a 40-day goal and apply the "Brand New" C.G.A. Strategy and the powerful techniques to work towards that goal, you will find yourself experiencing massive shifts in your energy levels and thought process and taking inspired actions and creating success and breakthroughs right away. From my own personal experience and that of hundreds of ambitious entrepreneurs and working professionals, a phenomenal breakthrough happens around 28 days.

Is Money Breakthrough In 40 Days a LIVE workshop or a recorded program?

Money Breakthrough In 40 Days is a LIVE workshop - 5 Wednesdays, 7 to 9:30 pm IST (starting January 25th)

What if I miss a session, will I get the recording?

Yes, you will receive the recording of all the sessions and you can also download the recording.

Do you still have questions?

Please mail me at or call my support team +91 87786 76187.

would you like to learn the 4-step Abundance Frequency Method and the life-transforming techniques to release your mind, emotional and karmic blocks so that you can achieve your goals with love, joy and ease?

Money Breakthrough In 40 Days program is for you.

Program Details

Venue:  Online (Zoom)
5 Weekly LIVE Sessions
Dates:  January 25, February 1, 8, 15, 22 (5 Wednesdays)
Timing:  7 pm to 9:30 pm IST
Language:  English

Get Started Today!
Sign up today and get instant access to The Karmic Solution & The Oscar Winner.  I will see you in the live session starting on January 25th.

Please choose a payment plan that is best for you

One-Time Payment

10000 INR
    • One-Time Payment of Rs. 5000
    • Get Instant Access To The Karmic Solution & The Oscar Winner
    • 5 Weekly Sessions - 5 Wednesdays, 7-9:30 pm IST (Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, Mar 1)
Signup Now

3 Easy Instalments

3 payments of

1833 INR

per month

    • Pay In 3 Easy Instalments (Rs. 5500 total)
    • Get Instant Access To The Karmic Solution & The Oscar Winner
    • 5 Weekly Sessions - 5 Wednesdays, 7-9:30 pm IST (Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, Mar 1)

So yeah, you guessed it: this program is basically about empowerment

Empowering you with powerful techniques to release your mind, emotional and karmic blocks so that you can achieve success and breakthroughs in business, financial, relationship and health aspects of your life